Telephone: 01992 661166 | Mobile: 07588 802800 | Email: paul@fasttrackpestcontrol.co.uk
We respond 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Anywhere with grass you could find yourself a Mole although they do not like shallow, waterlogged stoney soil. Very solitary pest with only 1 to their own territory. One however can cover up to 4 acres of land. Moles have a brilliant sense of smell but very poor eyesight, strong hind legs and feet for pushing forwards constantly.
They will patrol there tunnels for 4 hours looking for food, mainly slugs and earthworms. Moles are rarely seen, but you will know if they have been as Molehills will be left and soft turf felt when walked upon. I’ve been asked a few times why Molehills appear, it’s basically them just clearing their tunnels of soil, simple as that!
An assessment of the runs, where their tunnels are will dictate how to control them. Carefully placed humane traps are places in tunnels.
Foxes are found all over the UK and are classified as either urban or rural Foxes. They have adapted and both act differently to survive in our ever changing world. They mate January and early February and litters are usually born late March, early April.
They will eat anything, although 75% of their diet is rabbit, they hunt alone and live in small groups. They will kill poultry and small domestic pets, go through your bin bags and damage your flowerbeds.
Like with any pest, hygiene plays a big part in Fox control, I can recommend a good programme to help with Foxes and deal with your current issues through different techniques like live trapping.
Rabbits are not rodents as many people believe. Although they have similar incisor teeth which continuously grow like rodents and need wearing back, Rabbits teeth structure is very different having a small second pair of upper incisors behind the large chisel sharped first pair. Signs of presence in an area will be burrows, runs, droppings and fur caught on fences and thorns to name a few.
Fully grown Rabbits can weigh up to 2kg, with some variation of colour throughout the UK raging from light sandy to dark grey and even black. Mainly feeding on crops they also can switch to include bark from trees in their diet. Mainly nocturnal but can be seen during the day when they are comfortable with their environment.
There are a number of methods available to control Rabbits, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. Undertaking a site assessment will therefore decide which correct control technique is required to deal with Rabbits.
Telephone: 01992 661166
Mobile: 07588 802800
Email: paul@fasttrackpestcontrol.co.uk
We offer a 24 hour response time
We cover Essex, Hertfordshire, Central London, North and East London.