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Wasps are mainly more active through the summer months.  Building of their new home starts in the spring and is generally vacated in the autumn. Nests are constructed from chewed dead wood and can vary in size from small to very large. Colonies once established by the Queen can grow rapidly, thousands of wasps can live in one single nest. Early treatment of nests to prevent the numbers becoming large is key.


Nests are treated with insecticide sprayed directly around the entrance point to destroy it, or on the nest itself. This is the most commonly technique use and is very effective, the nest will be completed dead after a day but this starts working within the first ten minutes of spraying. After which, the nest can be removed if accessible by a professional. These insecticides are only available for professionals and the use and techniques to apply this is something I have learned through training and experience.


Bees come in many different species, from the Honey Bee, Masonry Bee, Solitary Bee to the Bubble Bee, all bringing actual many benefits which include farming for their honey and beeswax to improving pollination in orchards and gardens alike. 


Contrary to popular belief Bees aren’t protected and can be treated. They can however cause problems if they decide to nest in wall cavities of buildings, chimney voids or inaccessible areas where their presence is likely to cause serious problems.  

However, they are endangered so I always recommend exploring all other avenues before considering anything else.


There are many different species of Moth, from the Common Clothes Moth to the Brown House Moth. Moths in general are harmless to humans, but once inside your property can cause extensive damage to carpets, sofas and furnishings with their larvae feeding on the fabric.   


I would assess which species of Moth is present in your home and what effective treatment is needed, generally the use of insecticide spray.


Common House Flies

Lesser House Flies

Blow Flies (Blue/Green Bottles)

Cluster Flies

Fruit Flies

Drain Flies

Scuttle Flies. 

Each one brings different issues, contamination and transfer of bacteria from waste and faeces onto clean surfaces and food preparation areas. They can also a big nuisance for many people, one example is certain outbreaks of species of flies indoors, often originating from bird carcasses in lofts, roof voids or wall cavities.


Residual sprays, space sprays, Insecticide Baits are just some possibilities of treatment for Flies, but selecting the correct one is key. Many of the Flies mentioned above may be present in your property or business for many different reasons, I will be able to visit and determine your exact source of problem.


Ants are known as Social Insects, along with Wasps and Bees because mainly they live together in nests and have a social structure. They are the only insects to do this, apart from Termites, which thankfully are not found in the UK.

Most common is the Black Garden Ant, but some Ants will also enter your home or business, searching for food, generally they like sweet sugary food. The worker Ants emit pheromones to advise other Ants of a food source. 


Using the right techniques controlling Ants is key, as using the wrong methods could have devastating consequences. For example the Pharaoh’s Ant, found in heated buildings such as hospitals, hotels and food manufacturing sites must never be controlled using residual insecticide as this causes the nest to split in a defence mechanism resulting in them moving to other parts of the property and only making the problem worse. Having learnt the correct techniques and knowledge, identifying which species of Ant is present and what method of treatment is needed, saves time and money for all concerned.


Beetles come in many different shapes and sizes and there are so many different species to mention here. Characteristics however that is present in all beetles are six legs and in adults a pair of hard wing cases. Like with many species, it is only the larvae that causes the economic damage, but in some species of Beetles, the adults will eat, damage and contaminate many things.


Thorough inspections will be needed to identify the exact Beetle that is causing you concern and from there, we can discuss the way forward to control and remove any infestations for good.


Finding Cockroaches in your home or business can be a worrying and stressful time. Most common in the UK are the German and Oriental Cockroach. They are both nocturnal and need access to water. They feed on waste, spilled or decaying food or faecal material. They travel through drains and waste areas and because of this they become contaminated with diseases and are a high risk pests wherever they are present.

Rapid breeders in warm conditions, hiding behind fridges, freezers and ovens to name a few locations. Infestations are usually widespread if not caught early, with day sightings meaning large presence. They are advanced in mobility and able to climb smooth surfaces such as ceramic tiles and stainless steel. They have even been known to be hiding in vending machines!


With Cockroach infestations I will undertake a thorough survey, identifying the correct species of Cockroach and then deciding on the correct treatment method. Hygiene, proofing, housekeeping are all key factors in control and not just the use of insecticides.

Bed Bugs

Flattened, oval and brown in colour and about the size of an apple pip, these pests are generally found in homes and hotels. Hidden during the day mainly in crevices around the bed and seams of mattresses, they also hide round bedframes, head and skirting boards and loose wallpaper. They feed on human blood during the night and actually can survive up to a year if no host is available.

The first sign of Bedbugs could be sightings or biting on the skin. Dark faecal spots or blood smears on sheets. They are also found in luggage and furniture and if not controlled they spread and crawl from room to room, becoming very disruptive for any hotel or business and very distressing in the home environment.


Bedbugs are very hard to remove so professional treatment is highly recommended so call me today to ensure the infestation is dealt with correctly.


Spider infestations generally occur in buildings around autumn and winter mainly because it is too cold outside for them to nest.  Most spiders in the UK do not bite, but can cause stress to individuals. There has been a huge increase over the past few years in the presence of the False Widow spider in Essex and south east of England.


Professional residual insecticide spray applied for maximum effect.

Get in touch

Telephone: 01992 661166

Mobile: 07588 802800


We offer a 24 hour response time

Areas we cover

We cover Essex, Hertfordshire, Central London, North and East London.

© 2019 Fast Track Pest Control





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